National Pine Marten Day
It’s true to say that every day is special, and nowadays it seems every date in the calendar is marked by some awareness day for one cause or another. Some are quite serious, others less so. But…
It’s true to say that every day is special, and nowadays it seems every date in the calendar is marked by some awareness day for one cause or another. Some are quite serious, others less so. But…
In Britain, many of us enjoy watching wildlife. Birds are a popular quarry, and you can easily get a good view with a pair of binoculars and a bit of patience, but many species are harder to spot…
Spring is often associated with new life; plants in flower, birds in full song, and adorable animal babies on adverts and Easter cards. Pine martens rarely seem to feature though, perhaps because…
Keeping track of elusive mammals like pine martens can be tricky, but they do leave clues whenever they pause for a poo.
Ecosystems are out of balance and bringing pine martens back into our woods is just one way we can realign that natural balance.
In this Marten March themed blog we're getting to know Gerry O'Brien from Forest Holidays, one of our Project Pine Marten partners, and his love for pine martens with his incredible…
For over 100 years, Forestry England have been growing, shaping, and caring for our nation’s forests.
Welcome to the month of martens. The month where you will discover how much there is to know about pine martens…and in fact…all of our native mustelids. These lengthy, fluffy critters have so much…
As our translocated martens make there way through their second winter here in the Dean (and their third lockdown!) we thought we’d look back on the past 12 months of the project.
’tis the season to be jolly….but are the pine martens decking the halls or do they know its Christmas time at all?