Secondary Schools, Further and Higher Education

Children and member of staff looking for bugs under a log

Nick Turner

Secondary schools

Are you looking to incorporate nature in your school curriculum?

Our learning team can provide learning opportunities for those working towards qualifications in natural sciences, geography and conservation. Whether you are looking to deliver your own fieldwork on a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) or developing the surveying skills of your students please contact to see how we can support you.

We offer welcome talks with an introduction to your chosen nature reserve, though we do charge a fee of £75 to cover staff time and administration.  

If you're interested in running a self-led visit to your local nature reserve, please get in touch to discuss your visit. There is a charge of £50 for all self led visits requiring staff time, GWT resources or equipment use.

Contact for more information.

Are you planning to run a careers related activity?

Our experienced learning team may be able to attend your careers evening, mock interview day or other careers related event. Please get in touch with to see how we can support your activity.


Catch up on GWT's Young Ambassadors Group recent webinar about wildlife reintroductions in Gloucestershire below.