Youth Advisory Group

Young people chatting by a lake

Young people (c) Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Youth Advisory Group

We recognise that the future of nature and our connection with it will in part be decided on by young people, and Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust wants to be pivotal in making this happen by giving young people a voice.

If you are aged 16-25, this could be the volunteering opportunity for you.

The Youth Advisory Group (YAG) has three main objectives:

  1. ADVISE: To act as an advisory group to the Board of Trustees and the Executive. YAG's role is to identify barriers to and opportunities for young people to engage with GWT and the delivery of the strategy. 
  2. AMPLIFY: To amplify the voice of young people within the GWT team, the membership and the Wildlife Trusts network. YAG's role is to work with cross-organisational teams to find opportunities for young people’s voices to be heard on the issues that affect nature and our future.
  3. CONNECT: To create internal and external opportunities for young people to connect, both within the GWT network and the wider Gloucestershire natural environment and youth sector.  We want to provide space to develop skills and knowledge, re-energise and maintain their own wellbeing. YAG's role is to work with the learning team to plan activities to bring young people together and work with the wider engagement team to maximise the opportunities to reach young people

Each member of YAG works closely with our Young Trustees, and is supported by our Board of Trustees and key GWT staff.

Find out more about the role including time commitment here


The Youth Advisory Group is now open for applications

Introducing the Youth Advisory Group

Emma Waldron

Emma Waldron

I'm Emma, a Trustee of GWT, and I help support YAG and its members. I'm a conservation communicator with a passion for wildlife and I want to make nature an accessible, everyday thing for people again.

I moved to Gloucester a few years ago and fell in love the variety of landscapes and nature you can find here. I became a Trustee to play a more active role in protecting that nature and work with YAG to help develop the next generation of environmentalists. I look forwarding to facilitating the action Gloucestershire’s young people want to take! 

Amy Walsh

Amy Walsh

I have ten years experience in strategic and operational project management in the environment and community sectors. As a qualified Forest School Leader, I am on a mission to enable people from all backgrounds to discover the magic in nature. I run my own business working with community organisations and groups in the Dursley/Wotton-under-Edge area, as well as managing the team at Tortworth Arboretum.

I love being creative, experimenting with new ideas and collaborations, and being outdoors creating restorative spaces where people can improve their wellbeing, whilst nurturing their skills and values to grow a more socially and environmentally conscious society. When I’m not in the woods, you’ll usually find me swimming in a lake, stomping up a hill or in the garden with my hens.

I hopes that my experience working with young people and communities will support the important work GWT is undertaking to broaden its reach and connect with more people from a range of backgrounds, with the aim of broadening the membership body to be more representative of Gloucestershire’s diversity.

Evie De Gruyther

Evie De Gruyther

Hi I'm Evie, I'm 19 years old and I'm in my first year at university studying wildlife conservation. 

One of my favourite things to do in nature is birdwatching. I love practicing my identification skills and taking the time to notice the incredible diversity of life present in my garden, or my local green spaces. My favourite garden bird at the moment is the long-tailed tit!

I applied to be part of the Youth Advisory Group (YAG) because I am passionate about the wildlife on our doorsteps in Gloucestershire and how we can work to protect it. All young people should have access to nature and all young people should be represented in this conversation. If real change is going to be created, the environmental sector must become more diverse and inclusive. This is why having the voices of young people heard at organisations like GWT is so important. 

As I continue to learn more about ecology with my degree, and learn more about working as a team with the YAG, I hope to equip myself with the skills I will need for a future in conservation. Wherever I end up in a few years time, I hope I can be an advocate both for nature and for people at the same time.

Josie in a field identifying grasses

Josie Waller

Hi, I'm Josie, a 23-year-old ecological assistant from Gloucester who recently graduated with a BSc Zoology degree. I have a deep appreciation for nature and believe that communities should be brought together by the desire to care for their local environment as well as having the ability to access and enjoy it.

You'll often find me exploring the countryside, immersing myself in nature and eagerly identifying plants and animals. I also enjoy camping, looking after my plants, and have a particular fascination for fungi.

I strongly believe in the power of youth engagement in conservation efforts, which is why I want to get young people involved in protecting and celebrating nature. Joining YAG allows me to connect with like-minded individuals and work towards creating a brighter future for our wildlife.

YAG member investigating nature

Nicholas Alexander

Hi I'm Nicholas, I love sports and all things outdoors. Adventures and discovery are my vibe. I am passionate about most things aquatic.

I'm a uni grad aiming to get into property surveying.

Photo of a member of YAG

Sophie Luff

I applied to join YAG because I’m passionate about protecting wildlife and empowering young people to enjoy nature by ensuring that a diverse range of voices are listened to and reflected in the way that we preserve the natural world.

I’ve always loved spending time in nature and reading about the environment. My favourite species in Gloucestershire is a buzzard. I hope to study a human Geography degree in future because I like learning how the natural and human world interact with each other and how we can find solutions to climate and biodiversity issues.

Young person by a large tree

Amy Blackwood

Hi, I'm Amy, I'm 17 and just recently joined YAG. I've always loved nature, and I hope to go onto doing something in conservation at uni and as a career. My favourite native species is the red squirrel hence my photo!

I joined YAG because I want to make a real difference, and help inspire other young people to do the same, as well as make friends and be surrounded by others who feel just as passionate about wildlife as I do.

Ellie and her dog

Ellie Stevens

I’m Ellie, I’m 17 and have just joined YAG as a part of turning environmental anxiety into positive agency. I have always loved nature and wildlife and would love to be a part of inspiring others and campaigning for its cause!

Tabitha in a garden

Tabitha George

Hi everyone, I’m Tabitha!

I originally come from Cornwall but moved to the area for university and decided to stay with the beautiful surroundings that the shire’s have to offer. I now have a BSc and MSc in ecology, and love bird watching as a hobby as well as reading new science books.

I’ve only recently joined YAG, but have worked at the Trust for 2 years now as Supporter Development Officer. Since as long as I can remember I’ve been enthused by the wildlife around me and learnt I needed to get involved ASAP if I wanted to make a difference.

Like my fellow YAG groupies, I worry about the future of UK’s nature and enjoy working together to inspire our generation to take the next step for wildlife. We are the future so let’s make it a good one!

Badger logo pin drop

Ibraheem Kathrada

Bio coming soon!


Natalia Tarnawa

Hi I'm Natalia, I'm 21 and I'm currently studying towards an Ecology and Environmental Science BSc. I love spending time in nature and find it my place of solace. I love hiking and running on the range of trails and hills we are so lucky to have in Gloucestershire. 

I started volunteering with GWT as a Livestock Checker in 2023 and joined YAG to further my efforts in supporting the local environment through action and find like-minded people my age passionate about nature.

Youth Advisory Group Alumni

Meg on the beach

Megan Adamou

I joined the Youth Advisory Group in 2021 because I wanted to support nature & wildlife in my county, and pursue a career in conservation. The experience of developing a working group of young people within an organisation has been invaluable, and I've made some fantastic friends too.

I am now working as the Community Action Officer here at Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, upskilling and empowering communities to take meaningful action for nature in their local area. My role allows me to continue to support the Youth Advisory Group members, and utilise their skills to help me engage with Gloucestershire's community of young people.

Jess Thorne

Jess Thorne

Former and founding Chair of YAG, and GWTs’ first Young Trustee. Began volunteering for GWT to give young people from working class backgrounds outside the sector a voice in land management. I feel very proud when I see YAG achieving its purpose, evidenced by the soaring numbers of young people who are now engaged with GWT, nature, and each other, through YAG. 

I gained so many skills and experiences through GWT which have helped me forge a career where I pursue my greatest interests. I started in Conservation as a Wild Trainee with GWT, then moved into Forestry on Glenlivet Estate in Scotland (with a small foray into Academia).  Now I'm working for Crown Estate Scotland, designing and implementing the Governance structures which will drive and oversee the management of a vast amount of public land in Scotland, delivering lasting value for years to come.