Early purple orchid (c) Vaughn Matthews
Contact us
Our head offices
Robinswood Hill Country Park
Reservoir Road
Tel: 01452 383 333
General enquiries
Email: info@gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk
Tel: 01452 383 333
Volunteering enquiries
Email: volunteering@gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk
Membership enquiries
Email: membership@gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk
Filming enquiries
Email: marketing@gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk
Apply for permission to undertake studies or surveys on GWT reserves.
Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust (GWT) welcomes naturalists, ecologists, geologists and archaeologists who wish to undertake studies or surveys on GWT reserves. Such activities will normally be permitted, but permission must be secured from GWT prior to commencement.
Professional services
Wild Service and ecological consultancy:
Tel: 01452 383 333 Email: info@wildservice.net
Leaving a gift in your will and giving in memory
Please email legacies@gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk
Request a talk
To request a talk please complete the short form here (opens in a new window).
Please be aware that due to funded project commitments we are not always able to fulfil requests to provide speakers, guided walks or other activities.
We do respond to all enquiries, but due to the number we receive responses may take up to two working weeks.
Farming and landowner advice
Are you a farmer or landowner looking to incorporate some natural spaces into your farm or learn more about sustainable farming initiatives such as regenerative agriculture techniques and to even develop a new business model?
You can contact Tim Bevan, GWT’s Lead Farm Advisor, by emailing tim.bevan@gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk.
Take a look at our working with farmers and landowners page for further information.
Planning advice
We don’t routinely comment on planning applications but we do sometimes get involved in key applications which may present a threat to wildlife.
Take a look at our planning applications page for further guidance on what we do for planning applications and what wildlife issues there are to consider in the planning process.
Wildlife advice
From where to take injured or sick animals to how to report pollution, our wildlife advice page can provide some guidance on the best action to take.
If you witness a wildlife crime or suspect that one has taken place, please contact the Gloucestershire Constabulary.