What we do

Wildflowers at Coaley Peak

Coaley Peak (c) Nathan Millar

What we do

Our work stretches across Gloucestershire, from working with farmers and landowners to mapping the county.

We work closely with local communities, landowners and partners to deliver much-needed conservation work, not only on over 1,000 hectares of nature reserves, but in the wider landscape.

This vital work safeguards these remaining special wild places and drives nature’s recovery, working towards a future where the countryside thrives once more with wildlife, wildflowers, trees, butterflies, insects and animals.


As a charity, we have worked hard over the years to establish a broad income base, but our most important sources of income are membership, gifts in Wills, appeals and other donations from individuals.

In the tough financial climate individual giving is understandably decreasing. As such, we are increasingly more reliant on developing innovative and enterprising income streams such as our cafés and ecological land management consultancy, Wild Service.

Our mission at Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust is a simple one – to value nature. Our ambition is to preserve, recreate and reconnect Gloucestershire’s wild places.