Further and tertiary education

young people in a field

Further and tertiary education

At present we are able to offer you independent survey permits and the opportunity to join one of our volunteer survey groups.

We are currently working on providing more opportunities such as research questions for undergraduate/postgraduate research projects, and supporting long-term site monitoring as part of your teaching programme, so check back here soon.

3 people in a green meadow crouched to look at plants

GWT staff and citizen scientists surveying a meadow (c)Nick Turner 2021

Independent survey

If you are looking to do an independent survey at one of the beautiful Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust reserves, please click here to download and complete a survey permit form.

If you have any questions about independent surveying, please contact learning@gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk

Josie investigating scat

Josie investigating scat

Research projects

At present, we are working on providing opportunities for undergraduate/postgraduate research project. Information about these opportunities and a list of research questions will be published on this page soon.

If you have any questions, please contact learning@gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk

HabiMapping group out surveying (c) Nick Turner

HabiMappers (c) Nick Turner

Volunteer survey group

If you are interested in joining one of the many Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust voluntary survey groups, please click here or contact volunteering@gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk

Young person holding up sign during protest that reads'Hare today...gone tomorrow #Timeisnow

Taking_action_Penny Dixie

Youth Advisory Group

If you're aged 16-25 why not join our Youth Advisory Group?  YAG has a core membership of up to 12 people, they help us to build a wider network of young people across the county. Together they will amplify the voices of young people, advise GWT on barriers and opportunities for youth participation, and connect young people across the county with a passion for nature.

Find out more

Catch up on GWT's Young Ambassadors Group recent webinar about wildlife reintroductions in Gloucestershire below.