Community fundraising

Small blue Strawberry bank NR Zsuzsanna Bird

(c) Zsuzsanna Bird 

Fundraise for us

Thank you for thinking about fundraising for Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust!

Your help can go a long way in supporting our work to protect wildlife for future generations and to help all people living in Gloucestershire to connect with nature around them.

To help you get started, we've put together ideas and tips on how to raise funds in a variety of ways from a sponsored challenge to simply doing your usual online shopping.

You'll find advice on organising an event as well as step-by-step guidelines on creating a digital fundraiser. We are also pleased to introduce you to some of our most recent Fundraising Heroes – just in case you're looking for even more inspiration.

Together we can make a difference and create a Gloucestershire where there is more wildlife, more wild places and more people with a connection to the natural world.

To put this into context, here are just a few examples how your donation could help us achieve our vision:

£35 – could buy a new pair of loppers and gloves and enable volunteers to support our work
£80 - could pay for the construction and installation of a bat maternity box
£250 – could enable us to reach and train 5 low-income people in wildlife ID and ecological survey skills that will improve their career prospects in the wildlife conservation sector
£750 – could help pay reserve managers to spend a week coppicing, a vital habitat management technique that creates suitable habitats for a number of species such as the hazel dormouse and nightjar
£3,500 – could help pay to install a culvert on wetlands to help manage water levels
£15,000 - could help buy a new bird hide for public enjoyment on our nature reserves

Please do get in touch when you finish fundraising by filling in our contact form or by emailing  This will enable us to personally thank you for your donation and send you a certificate.


I've never done any fundraising before. Can I still do it?

Of course, you can! You don't have to be a marketing wiz or an athlete to fundraise for us. There are lots of ways you can fundraise that require no expertise, training or, in fact, much effort. Asking friends and family to donate the price of your birthday cards or presents, doing your usual online shopping and browsing, or simply displaying a collection tin at your workplace cafeteria will be just as effective.

Click on the images above to visit our dedicated pages for more ideas, tips and downloadable resources.

How do I send Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust the money I raised?

Sending us the money you raised couldn't be easier.
Simply visit our Active fun(draising) page to transfer the money you collected using PayPal or a debit/credit card, or contact us by filling in the form provided on that page to request our bank account details.
You can also send us a cheque in the post - please fill in the contact form or email to get in touch with us.

How do I create a JustGiving fundraising page?

  1. Log into your account or create one and click ‘Start Fundraising'.
  2. When asked 'What are you raising money for?', select ‘A charity’.
  3. Search for Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust as the cause you want to support.
  4. Select what kind of activity you are planning to do to fundraise.
  5. Fill in the required fields including choosing your web address – i.e. the link you’ll be sharing with friends and family when asking them to donate.
  6. If you’d like to hear more about the impact of your fundraising and other ways to stay involved with the Trust, including events, campaigns and appeals then opt in to receive our emails – you can opt-out anytime by phoning us on 01452 383333 or by emailing
  7. Tick 'Yes' if you're running a bake sale, or selling tickets to an event, raffle or auction. Donations to your page in these cases won't be eligible for Gift Aid. 
  8. Click ‘Create your page’.


For more information and advice on online fundraising visit JustGiving.

How do I set up a fundraiser on Facebook?

  1. Select ‘Fundraiser’ from the drop-down of the ‘Create’ button in the top right menu of your Facebook page or in the left menu of your News Feed on your Home page.
  2. Chose ‘Charity’ from the list of options in the pop-up window and search for Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust.
  3. Click on our logo that appears and fill in the fields – you can go back and modify your answers by clicking on the ‘Back’ button.
  4. Click ‘Create’ when you are satisfied with the appearance of your fundraiser.
  5. Invite your friends and family to donate towards your fundraiser and share it in your News Feed to spread the word.

Don’t want to set up a fundraiser? You can just add a simple donate button to your Facebook post by following these simple steps:

  1. Write your post in the ‘What's on your mind?’ text box in your News Feed or timeline.
  2. In the bottom right corner click on the three dots to see more options.
  3. Select  ‘Support a charity’ and type Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust in the text box. Click on our logo when it appears.
  4. Set where you want your post to appear and who can see it, then click on ‘Post’.


For more information please visit Facebook's Help pages.

How do I set up a fundraiser on Instagram?

  1. Choose a photo that will be the background feature of your fundraiser.
  2. Tap the "Sticker" icon on the top of the screen and choose the "Donation" sticker.
  3. Select Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust as your nonprofit.
  4. You can customize your fundraiser, including the fundraiser's name, using Stories creative tools.
  5. Choose "Send to". Then select "Share" next to Your Story - and you are ready to start fundraising! People who tap your donation sticker can now donate to GWT.

For more information and troubleshooting please visit Instagram's Help Centre.

What shall I do with a full collection tin?

If you, your family or friends own or manage a shop, café or similar business and had one of our collection tins on display that needs emptying, simply bring it to our office with the safety seal intact and hand it to our friendly Reception Team. They will take your details and give you an empty one - it's really that simple!

What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid is a tax relief programme - i.e. your donation will not be taxed by the UK government but instead the tax will go to your chosen charity (or charities). This means that if you Gift Aid your donations, Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust will receive and additional 25p for every £1 you donate without any additional cost to you – and it all adds up, just remember to a charity every penny counts!

Gift Aid is reclaimed by Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust from the tax that you pay for the tax year. If you pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations for the relevant tax year, it is your responsibility to pay any difference.

If your name, address or circumstances change, you can modify your Gift Aid status with us any time, just phone us on 01452 383333 or email

To learn more about Gift Aid, visit the UK Government's website.

How does GWT's Amazon Wishlist work?

We have created a list of items that would be beneficial for our work, and published the list on Amazon. We have already done the search and identified the exact products that are most suitable for our needs. You might find a short description of what the item will be used for, and the quantity we need (if more than one).

  • To purchase the item for us, please just click on the "Add to basket" button.
  • The following steps on their website will guide you through the delivery and the payment options. We already created a default delivery address of 

Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust
Conservation Centre
Robinswood Hill Country Park
Reservoir Road
GL4 6SX.

Once the payment was successful, the item will be sent to our address at no extra cost to us because all costs are covered by you, the purchaser. 
Of course, we would love to thank you for your donation so please do give consent to Amazon to share your details with us. Alternatively, you can email us on to let us know to expect your donation.

Thank you for fundraising for Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust!