Take Action

Living Landscapes on the River Coln (C) Ruth Davey

Ruth Davey

Get involved

There are many ways to get involved with Gloucestershire's wildlife.

From using a few spare hours to volunteer in our office, performing practical work or monitoring wildlife, to fundraising, getting involved as a business or workplace, or simply making a space for nature in your local patch - your support is more important than ever.

While we collectively call for our government to champion and implement effective strategies, actions taken by individuals and communities are incredibly valuable and can make a real difference. If one in four people stand for positive change and take action for wildlife, this will have a huge impact for nature’s recovery.

Team Wilder is a movement that you can become part of as an individual a community, that empowers people to take action for wildlife - whether that's in the garden, a shared community space, lifestyle actions and more .

You can also sign up to WilderGlos, our virtual platform where you can log your actions for nature and earn green points. The more actions you take, the more prizes you can win!

You can also get involved by becoming a Wilder Champion – our wilder champions are volunteers and advocate for nature in their local community.

Find out more about Team Wilder

There are many benefits to volunteering, including improved mental and physical health, better career prospects, and the opportunity to meet new people