Blog: Pine marten


Pine Marten Terry Whittaker/2020VISION

Fantastic beasts and where to find them

Josie, pine marten project officer, tells us about pine marten residential preferences and how we can make habitats more attractive for pine martens to den in…

Pine Marten, Credit: Mark Hamblin/2020VISION

Confessions of a pine marten fanatic

Our long-term volunteer and seasonal field assistant Lydia Galbraith gives us an insight into her work, and new-found obsession, with pine martens in the Forest of Dean.

Pine marten (C) Terry Whittaker/2020 Vision

Love in a time of social distancing

The berries have started to ripen and the days have begun to shorten. We are entering another phase in the year of the pine marten.

Nick Marten

Little Furry Slugs and Teenage Dirtbags

Pine martens have been in the Forest of Dean since September and have been doing extremely well, they've made the forest their new home. In today's blog Project Officer Josie shares the…


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