Knapp Lane Meadows Appeal

Knapp Lane Meadows Appeal

£11,430 of £90,000 goal

A new nature reserve, in the heart of the Stroud Valleys.

A once in a generation opportunity to bridge the gap between two of our Nature Recovery Zones, connecting the Golden Valley and Stroud Commons for years to come. A chance to build species resilience across this exceptional landscape. Welcome, to Knapp Lane Meadows.

A yellow rattle plant in the foreground, with yellow flowers and green leaves, with a meadow in the background

© Lee Schofield

Three simple steps to becoming a Meadow Maker...

  1. Choose a default amount or enter a custom amount below that you’d like to support (have a look below to see what your donation could achieve).
  2. Make your donation, click here or choose an option below.
  3. Once your donation is processed, we will add your name to the interactive map, where you can search and see your name alongside other wonderful Meadow Makers like you. (It will take a maximum of 72 hours to update.)
A photo of a watercourse surrounded by woodland, with woody debris, natural flood management.

£30 = 25m² Natural Flood Management

Could further enhance the wetland features of the reserve to benefit a range of species and make the most of this incredible mosaic.
A Welsh mountain pony looking towards the camera, the pony is in a grassland habitat with a row of trees behind.

£60 = 50m² Conservation grazing

Could expand our conservation grazing work in the Golden Valley, with the purchase of Knapp Meadows making a GWT-owned herd a reality.
A pair of large blue butterflies on a flower head, with grassland habitat in the background.

£120 = 100m² Species resilience

Can work to enhance and connect the reserve will ensure species resilience in the Stroud Valleys well into the future.

Owning and managing our own nature reserves plays a crucial role in creating connections, and the time has come for us to return to what we do best.

Our nature reserves remain at the heart of everything we do. They allow us to showcase what’s possible for nature, to provide the best quality habitat for wildlife and they act as a classroom too, as places for the conservationists of tomorrow to hone their skills. As the state of nature worsens, we need our reserves to be working harder for wildlife than ever before.

This is where Knapp  Lane Meadows comes in...

Connecting the Golden Valley and Stroud Commons Nature Recovery Zones (NRZ) Knapp Lane Meadows is an undulating site stretching to 13.8 ha, a wildflower meadow with mosaics of scrub, woodland and wetland, where the site flows gently to meet the southern bank of the River Frome. Knapp Meadows is just 500m from Blackness Banks nature reserve and around 4km from the centre of Stroud.

A map showing the Golden Valley, Slad Valley and Stroud Commons, and the locations of GWT nature reserves as well as Knapp Lane Meadows

You can help us do what we do best and create a future for wildlife across this landscape, connecting wild places and driving nature’s recovery.

By helping us purchase Knapp Lane Meadows, you’ll be ensuring a complete corridor of GWT connectivity in this landscape. From our Daneway Banks reserve 6.3km away, wildlife can flourish through Siccaridge Wood and Sapperton Valley, Trillis Banks and shady Three Groves Wood, Dimmel’s Dale and Blackness Banks, before reaching
Knapp Lane Meadows and heading out onto the Stroud Commons, taking in Neu Lindsay, Box Wood and Stuart Fawkes. What an incredible outcome for wildlife in our county.

But we have to act fast- this opportunity will not come around again.

By becoming a Meadow Maker today, you’ll help us secure this vital stepping stone, ensuring it remains a site where wildlife can thrive. We can’t afford to miss this opportunity to connect up the county, by purchasing a site that will work for wildlife on the reserve and as a vital stepping stone for species resilience, across the landscape.

Here is the dedicated map showing the squares you have sponsored. Click here to view the full interactive version.

Your donation will benefit so many species here in Gloucestershire, for years to come. By becoming a Meadow Maker, you’ll be helping to secure the future of wildlife in our county.

We must act fast to ensure this special place can play its part in securing nature’s recovery in Gloucestershire, but we’re incredibly lucky to have a head start. With £190,000 already pledged towards this essential purchase, your support really will make all the difference and help us do what we do best for wildlife in our county.

Donate today, become a Meadow Maker and play your role in Gloucestershire’s future.

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