©Tom Marshall
Annual Wild About Gardens Survey Summer 2024
Please tell us about your garden and help local wildlife
Our precious wildlife is in trouble. The UK is already one of the most nature depleted countries in Europe, and now wildlife is bearing the brunt of issues like climate change and habitat loss. Even species like hedgehogs and sparrows, once such a common sight in Gloucestershire, have suffered a startling decline.
Outdoor spaces can be wonderful places for wildlife. They make a great home, and offer somewhere to take refuge, feed and feel safe. And the more wildlife-friendly the garden, the more the natural world can flourish, both on our doorsteps and right across the county.
Whether you have a small outside space such as a balcony, courtyard or garden in a village or town, or a larger garden in a more rural area, we’d love to know a little more about it. What wildlife do you notice regularly? Do you have hedges and trees, or even a pond? Please let us know by completing the survey below.
By completing your Annual Wild About Gardens Survey today you’ll help us build a clearer picture of the county’s wildlife and habitats away from our reserves. Your information is crucial to wildlife’s future.
Take the next step for wildlife
- Join the People's Nature Reserve (https://www.gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk/peoples-nature-reserve)
- Take the next wild step - become a member (https://www.gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk/become-member-today)
- Gardening with wildlife in mind (https://www.gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk/wildlife-gardening)
- Join WilderGlos to collect points and win prizes (https://www.gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk/blog/chloe-harvey/nurturing-nature-through-power-community-introducing-wilderglos)