Badger cull


Badger ©Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Position statement

Badger cull

Our response to the UK government's proposal to continue the culling of badgers as part of their bTb strategy consultation. 


Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust opposes the badger cull and does not allow badger culling on its land. We are extremely disappointed that the UK Government is proposing to continue the culling of badgers as part of their bTb strategy consultation. 

We feel that the Government has failed to listen to the public, who want to see an immediate end to the badger cull and implementation of a cattle vaccine. At Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust we are proud to have pioneered the deployment of badger vaccination as an alternative reducing TB in the badger population. 

Notwithstanding this, we recognise the considerable hardship faced by many farmers in dealing with bovine TB. Improved cattle testing and vaccination are the way forward, in addition to enhanced biosecurity measures and control of cattle movements. To make this a reality, efforts must be focused on supporting farmers to take up this approach on their land. 

We urge the government to stop badgers being killed for good and refocus funding and resources on vaccination measures instead. This is the long-term solution that will benefit wildlife and farmers alike.  

We have regularly asked MPs to review the badger culling policy both locally and nationally in collaboration with other Wildlife Trusts.