Keeping in touch

Three older people walking on a country path

Keeping in touch

We’d love to stay in touch about our exciting projects, local wildlife updates, news from our nature reserves and to give you the opportunity to feel part of our amazing community by letting you know about our charitable efforts, fundraising and volunteering activities.

If you would like to hear from us by post please fill in your address - if you have a Gift Aid Declaration or want us to be able to claim Gift Aid on your donations we require your address. To not receive post, please opt out below. If you would like to hear from us by email or telephone, please provide the relevant details and select 'yes' in the relevant options below.

Your privacy is our priority. We promise to protect your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy.

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Thank you for letting us keep in touch with you. Unless you have granted us permission to contact you via phone or email, we will record these contact methods as denied. You can change the way we contact you at any time by calling us on 01452 383333, or by emailing us at

If you would like to create a Gift Aid declaration with us, you can do so below and find out more with our FAQs page.