Billy's Camera Trap Tuesdays

Foxes in garden

Terry Whittaker/2020 Vision

Billy's Camera Trap Tuesdays

Billy is an outgoing, adventurous and fun loving Zoologist, who has travelled all over the world fueling his passion for nature. But now during lockdown, he's taking time to enjoy the wildlife that lives right on his doorstep.

Having recently moved to Gloucestershire he's keen to see who his new wildlife neighbours are and with the help of his camera traps he's already discovered that a family of badgers live right next door! 

Join Billy and the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust team over the next few weeks, as they unlock some of Gloucestershire's best wildlife secrets and dig deeper into the lives of our local wildlife. 

Want to see more from Billy? Check out the links below:

Billy becomes a GWT ambassador

Having recently moved to the beautiful Gloucestershire countryside, just before lockdown in fact, it's been a total joy to spend my free time exploring the woods behind the garden, setting up camera traps to spy on a family of badgers, and watching the comings and goings of the local foxes and roe deer. 

Teaming up with the amazing team at Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust to produce "Billy's Camera Trap Tuesdays", was not only great fun but the start of a very exciting adventure. I've been allowed to shadow a fantastic team of conservationists as they monitor, and undertake their work, on a recently reintroduced population of pine martens in the Forest of Dean, which recently featured on BBC Countryfile and through Billy's Camera Trap Tuesdays, I was able to see what wildlife shenanigans were taking place in peoples gardens around the county as GWT encouraged people to stay connected to nature through lockdown. 

It's a massive privilege to have been welcomed on board as an ambassador for this wonderful charity and I'm really looking forward to teaming up with the team on their fantastic community outreach programmes and conservation development projects, of which there are many, moving forward.