Chris' exploration of the new volunteer system

Chris' exploration of the new volunteer system

Volunteer Chris gives his thoughts on using our new volunteer management system

I’ve been volunteering with GWT since 2021, but mostly on one project at Fromebridge.  I used to read about other volunteer activities in the newsletter, but it was always a bit of a mystery how to find out what was going on beforehand.  It always seemed as if you had to be “in the know” and on several email lists to get the details of how to join in.

Like others, I volunteer with several organisations across the Cotswolds and like to plan my calendar three or four months ahead.  Finding out on a Friday that something was happening next Tuesday just didn’t work for me.  So, I just stuck with my Fromebridge tribe - I was “in the know” and could book out the right slots.

But I was intrigued when Ellie, the Volunteer Coordinator, announced she had put a new system in place for us volunteers to find and book onto any project in GWT.  I got my login at the end of 2024, entered a few details, uploaded a photo and then promptly forgot about it.

But over Christmas and New Year, I started planning my diary.  I saw a link in an email to Team Kinetic (the name of the new system), and logged in to see what was available.  At the top of the screen is a calendar icon which shows a brilliant view of everything that is scheduled to happen, all through the year.  There’s also a list of other things you can do that are more ad-hoc (such as reptile surveying).

It’s laid out in a calendar format for each month, so really easy now to match the times in my diary with the available projects.  Clicking on an entry brings up a page with a photo, details of the project, location information, places available and a Join button.

I found two work parties to join - Cotswold water park and Treescapes.  When you press join, you get an email confirming, and a button to automatically add it to your calendar.  I like to keep emails relating to things I haven’t done yet in my inbox, so they’ll sit there with the information until the day of the work party.

As it happens, I realised afterwards that I booked the Treescape one on my wife’s birthday … whoops!  But I was able to go back into the dashboard and press Cancel to remove my name from that activity.

All in all, I found the system very easy to use and engaging.  I feel I have “permission” to go on any opportunity I want.  My diary is full now until the end of March, but I really look forward to logging on again then and seeing what activities will be available in the spring and summer.

Many thanks to Ellie for really opening up volunteering opportunities to everyone in GWT, and also to the project leaders who always plan fabulous tasks for us to take part in.

I keep an online diary of all my conservation activities, and you can find entries for my GWT volunteering here.

To login to the volunteer system, visit and see what’s coming up that you’d like to do.

Happy Volunteering!  

Photo credit: Chris Shaw
