Nature Nurtures appeal

Nature Nurtures appeal

£17,153 of £25,000 goal

Transform a childhood this year

Experience tells us that more than ever, children need to connect with the natural world around them. Many children lack the sense of security and resilience provided through a deep connection to nature, especially nature on their doorsteps. Through the Nature Nurtures project, we’re giving children this sense of connection, whilst growing the nature lovers of the future.

Sadly, the funding for Nature Nurtures ends in January*. We need your help today to continue this vital project and nurture a love of nature in more children.

But the future of this amazing project is at risk. Will you help us by giving the gift of nature to a child?

Nurturing a love of nature in our children doesn’t just help them to navigate the complexities of life, it helps nature too. Your gift can help us improve the lives of children in Gloucestershire, giving them firm foundations that will help them now and throughout their lives.

We know that to secure a future for wildlife and wild places in our county, we need people to connect with the natural world around them. Fostering this sense of connection in Gloucestershire’s children is as important for securing the future of wildlife in our county, as is caring for our nature reserves or restoring precious habitat.

How your gift could support Nature Nurtures...

Two children holding a bird box

Donate £15

Could provide resources like journals and craft materials, to help children express their feelings whilst getting creative out in nature.
A man and child birdwatching

Donate £35

Could enable us to bring in specialists, such as a Forager or Storyteller, to bring different aspects of our natural world to life.
A child taking part in an outdoor activity

Donate £65

Could fund an eight week place on Nature Nurtures, ensuring a child can immerse themselves in nature and grow in confidence.

With mental health conditions in children on the rise and 1 in 6 species in the UK at risk of extinction, we need to act now for children and for wildlife.

Just like our other projects, from landscape-scale habitat restoration to species reintroduction, Nature Nurtures is evidence-led. Most recently, the Local Nature Partnership provided funding for the project as part of their Nature on Prescription scheme, through funding provided by the NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board. Research carried out nationally by The Wildlife Trusts has shown the incredible social, economic and health benefits of providing nature on prescription. The impact of these projects on the wellbeing of people and their love for nature cannot be overstated.

By supporting us today, you’re investing in a project that’s proven to make a difference to the lives of vulnerable children in Gloucestershire.

Donate today


*Nature Nurtures is currently funded until February 2025 by the NHS, through the Gloucestershire Local Nature Partnership as part of the Nature on Prescription Funding 2023.
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The names of the children featured have been changed to protect their identities.
Your donation will be used wherever the need is greatest to support Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust’s work