Jennie Denton
Young people
Spending time in nature and taking action for wildlife can not only help in the fight against climate change, but also improve your wellbeing and provide you with valuable skills for college, university or work.
What you do personally for wildlife and the environment helps make a difference; when everybody does something it makes huge changes.
Youth Rangers
Are you aged 13-17 and interested in making a difference for nature and wildlife? Do you want to gain skills and experience in nature conservation and volunteer alongside like-minded people?
Youth Advisory Group
If you're aged 16-25 why not join our Youth Advisory Group? YAG has a core membership of up to 12 people, they help us to build a wider network of young people across the county. Together they will amplify the voices of young people, advise GWT on barriers and opportunities for youth participation, and connect young people across the county with a passion for nature.
Wild Trainees
If you're aged between 18 and 25 years old and looking for an opportunity to pursue a career in UK wildlife conservation but not sure where to begin? Our Wild Trainee opportunities can help you gain the skills you need for your first job in the sector.
Wilder Toolkit
If you’re looking for ways to help nature and wildlife on your own patch then you could try the Wilder Toolkit or WilderGlos.
The Wilder toolkit for young people explores different ways in which you can feel empowered to do things that make a difference to you and the natural world around us and make Gloucestershire a wilder place. You will find a huge selection of practical actions you can do to help wildlife or reduce our effects on the changing climate, and then inspirational ideas to connect yourself and others more to nature and the outdoors.
WilderGlos is our online platform dedicated to logging the actions you, your family or community take. Each action results in points, the more points you earn the higher up the leader board you'll climb! To join the WilderGlos community, click the link below.
Nature is under threat
There are currently just under two billion people aged between 10 and 24 globally - the largest generation of youth in history!
As the impacts of climate change intensify and we become more aware of the nature and wildlife we are losing, more and more young people are joining the movement and demanding positive change. Young people are agents of change, leading discussions, spreading awareness and motivating others to take action.
Your voice is important, and you can use your skills to accelerate action both for the climate and ecological emergencies.
To get clued up on what climate change could look like right here in Gloucestershire, check out this page. To find out more about Government policy and how you can take action today, head to our Defend Nature page.

Nick Turner
Our Bright Future
In December 2021, the Our Bright Future (OBF) project came to an end after 6 successful years working with over 3,500 young people aged 11-24.