Our lawns are so much more than just a patch of grass. With a bit of care and attention – or even inattention – a lawn can provide a sanctuary for our natural neighbours.
This free booklet gives you all the information you need on how you can transform your turf and embrace wildlife in your garden and surrounding areas, including plenty of helpful tips and fun activities. There are lots of ways we can use our lawns to support wildlife, and some of them take no effort at all.
Fill out the form below to get your free download.

Sent in by Florence Shore
Pledge to welcome a wilder lawn
Will you pledge to help wildlife by letting your lawn go wild? Hedgehogs, bats, sparrows, song thrushes and stag beetles are all declining species in the UK, but if we manage our gardens to benefit wildlife, these creatures and many more will find refuge.
Whether you let your grass grow or create a mini lawn, make the pledge below and add a pin to The Wildlife Trusts map!