Dave Kilbey
Toads on Roads
Common toads are amphibians, breeding in ponds during the spring and spending much of the rest of the year feeding in woodland, gardens, hedgerows and tussocky grassland. They're famous for their mass migrations back to their breeding ponds on the first warm, damp evenings of the year, often around Valentine's Day.
Toads are very particular about where they breed and often migrate back to their ancestral breeding ponds each year. They follow the same route, regardless of what gets in their way, which sometimes leads to them crossing busy roads. A toad vs. traffic scenario sadly leads to the toads inevitably coming off worse, but you can help!
During the migration season each year, volunteers head out to help toads, frogs and newts to cross the roads to their ancestral breeding ponds, and also help them on their way back across.
Click below to read their 2024 report

Common toad (Bufo bufo) (c) Tom Marshall
Did you know?
Toads can live for up to 12 years.
They often eat spiders, slugs and worms - but occasionally small grass snakes and harvest mice!
As urbanisation spreads and the number of cars on roads increases, toads are at greater risk of being squashed. If you'd like to help please get in touch glos.toads@gmail.com
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