Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust (GWT) is working in partnership with Wessex Water on the Water Guardians project in Gloucestershire, following the success of the Water Guardian project partnership with other Wildlife Trusts including Dorset, Somerset and Wiltshire, as well as the Bristol Avon Rivers Trust (BART).
With the support of Wessex Water, Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust (GWT) will be recruiting and training local volunteers to monitor watercourses to identify possible pollution incidents. Reports will be made to GWT who will pass the data on to Wessex Water for further investigation.
Water Guardians will play a key part in Wessex Waters' commitment to supporting the clean-up of our watercourses. GWT's Water Guardian volunteers will be additional eyes and ears on the ground, playing an integral role in protecting the health of their local rivers. As well as monitoring pollution to improve water quality, volunteers will be encouraged to undertake additional tasks to help e.g. litter-picking, recording wildlife or organising local engagement events.

Luke Massey
Where is the project is taking place?
As the project is funded by Wessex Water, it will initially focus its efforts and volunteer recruitment in set target areas where Wessex Water operate, focusing on known pollution hotspots and environmental areas of interest/importance.
Areas included in the pilot are Berkeley, Charfield, Dursley, Cam, and Wotton-Under-Edge plus other areas in South Gloucestershire, south of Stroud and the southern part of the Cotswolds.
I want to volunteer, what's involved?
As a Water Guardian volunteer, you will help assess the condition of your local watercourses. Reporting back on what you see will enable GWT and Wessex Water to work together to improve the condition of these watercourses and improve habitats for local wildlife. We are looking for local people in the target areas, to walk their local stretch of water on their own or with family or friends at least once a month. Training from Wessex Water and Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust will provide the skills you need to effectively monitor watercourses for signs of pollution using a range of methods. An essential part of the project is you reporting back to Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust about what you see.
In addition, volunteers can help by recording wildlife or helping to organise local engagement events. This is an opportunity to have a real impact in your local community and environment, whilst learning more about freshwater ecology and environmental health.
Who can volunteer?
We are particularly seeking volunteers who are local to the target area. Everyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join our volunteering team - you can take part as an individual, a couple, as a family (under 18s must be supervised by an adult) or community group. We encourage people of all backgrounds to take part- this is a community effort. If you enjoy walking around your local watercourse, why not go a step further and benefit the Water Guardian project while you do it? Your actions will help protect the health and biodiversity of freshwater habitats.