Do One Thing in your home

Do One Thing... in your home

Do One Thing project

Here is a list of simple actions that can help the planet while keeping costs low.

  • Turn appliances off at the socket.
  • Close your curtains and blinds at night.
  • Buy thermal curtains or line your own curtains.
  • Use radiator reflectors which reflect heat back into the room.
  • Buy an electric blanket or electric pad to heat up people rather than the whole room.

In the kitchen

  • Use ‘eco’ mode on dishwashers and washing machines.
  • Make sure that your appliances are full before use.
  • Turn down the heat on your washing machine.
  • Dry your clothes outside or on a heated airer rather than using a dryer.
  • Only boil as much water as you need in the kettle.
  • Use a lid to cover pots and pans as the water will boil faster and use less energy to heat your food.
  • Try to batch cook when possible and freeze the leftovers.
  • Consider using an air fryer, these are cost and energy efficient.
  • When buying new appliances try and get the highest energy efficiency rated product that you can afford.

In the bedroom

  • Leave a gap between your radiators and your furniture to allow the heat to circulate better rather than heating your furniture.
  • Add extra blankets or duvets onto your bed.
  • Close your curtains when the sun sets to keep the heat inside of your room.
  • Use draught proof tape around your windows and doors.
  • Use a draught excluder for your doors (or a rolled-up towel).
  • Consider getting double glazing for your windows.

In the bathroom

  • Try to take shorter showers.
  • Turn off the tap when you are brushing your teeth.
  • Take fewer baths.
  • Try some water saving devices such as low flow tap fittings to use less water and energy.
  • Swap to an energy efficient shower head.
  • Install an electric towel rail which can be turned on and off.
  • Clean glass surfaces with white wine vinegar rather than chemical sprays.

Refill shops in Gloucestershire

Refill shops are a great way to reduce plastic packaging and reduce the amount of waste going to landfill. It is a more sustainable way to buy cupboard essentials and more. Here are some places where refill shops can be found in Gloucestershire.