Chaceley Meadow

Chaceley Meadow (c) Nathan Millar

Chaceley Meadow (c) Nathan Millar

Chaceley Meadow

Wildflowers and birds thrive at Chaceley Meadow nature reserve. Although some distance from the River Severn the meadow occasionally floods in winter, the perfect environment for a multitude of wildflowers.


Found off the B4213 on the eastern edge of Chaceley village
The nearest postcode is GL19 4EH

OS Map Reference

What3Words: universe.blanking.toast
A static map of Chaceley Meadow

Know before you go

2 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

There is no car park on site, but parking is available in spaces by St John’s Church or in nearby lay-bys

Grazing animals

Grazing takes place from August to October

Walking trails

Visitors are asked to keep to the edges of the meadow to avoid trampling the hay crop


Access is over a wooden stile off Rock Street, but after this the terrain is flat but can be uneven and muddy in places


On a lead

When to visit

Opening times

Open access throughout the year

Best time to visit

April to July

About the reserve

This unimproved neutral grassland is regarded as one of the county’s finest unimproved wet meadows, gaining it SSSI status in 1993.

Encircled by mature hawthorn and blackthorn hedges, there are also white willow pollards which are home to many birds.

Although it is found some distance to the west of the River Severn the meadow occasionally floods in the winter months.

In the spring and summer months flora flourish, with marsh marigold and cuckooflower being followed by ragged-robin, spike rush and great burnet flowers. This abundance of plant life attracts butterflies like small blue and orange-tips which in turn attracts birds.

Work in the future will include further pollarding of the willows here, along with work to control scrub and continuing the hay crop management cycles.