Pass on everything you love about Gloucestershire's wildlife and wild places with a gift in your will.
The countryside holds a special place in our memories. For those of us who grew up splashing in sparkling streams or bounding across sunlit meadows, it’s where we were at our most carefree. Now, we remember the chirruping of darting birds, the heady scent of wildflowers, the timeless rural vistas, and trust that our children and grandchildren will always be able to enjoy such a glorious landscape.

© Bob Coyle
Wildlife under threat
Sadly, however, we can no longer take that for granted. Gloucestershire’s wildlife is under increasing threat from the pressures of modern living, risking the loss of traditional woodlands, grasslands and orchards. In turn, that means we could lose the wildlife that depends on these delicate habitats, including bees, butterflies and birds such as woodpeckers and song thrushes.
How your gift could protect the wildlife you love
Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust has been taking action for nature throughout Gloucestershire for over 60 years. Our vision is a county with more wildlife, more wild spaces and more people coming into contact with nature. But we can only make that happen with the help of people like you. We especially rely on the gifts that kind supporters leave us in their Wills. Your gift, for example, could help us purchase and restore a new nature reserve, or even help save a threatened species such as the dormouse or nightjar. You can be confident that your legacy, big or small, will make a real difference and will be put to good use meeting the most urgent conservation needs. Leaving just 1% to Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust in your Will can make a huge difference, and means your loved ones still receive 99%.
"I love nature and the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust does a wonderful job in nurturing and enhancing the environment in the county that I live in. I want this work to continue long after I'm gone, so leaving a legacy to the Trust is the obvious thing for me to do."
Leave a gift to nature that lasts generations
We would be very grateful if you could let us know your intentions regarding leaving a gift in your Will to Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust. We’d love to be able to thank you and let you know about our plans for the future.
Our promise to you
We absolutely recognise your loved ones come first in your Will.
We will never ask you about the size or type of gift if you decide to support our work this way.
You never have to tell us your intentions – we respect your right to privacy.
We fully understand that circumstances change and there might be a time when you need to take us out of your Will. There is no binding commitment to us.
We promise to use your gift wisely, in line with your wishes.
Get in touch
To talk to someone about leaving a gift in your Will, and to find out more information about the difference your gift can make, speak to a member of our team by calling 01452 383333, or email