Further and tertiary education
Are you looking to visit one of Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust's reserve as part of your course?
Whether you are looking to deliver your own fieldwork on a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) or developing the surveying skills of your students, why not visit a Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust reserve? At certain times of the year, we may be able to offer welcome talks with an introduction to your chosen nature reserve, though we do charge a fee of £75 to cover staff time.
At present we are also able to offer you independent survey permits and the opportunity to join one of our volunteer survey groups.
We are currently working on providing more opportunities such as supporting long-term site monitoring as part of your teaching programme, so check back here soon.
Please contact learning@gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk to find out more.

HabiMap Volunteers surveying at Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust nature reserve (c) Cawan Andre
Work placements for university students
We are working with a range of specific universities to provide work placements for undergraduates and postgraduates. Please check with your university to see if we are currently working with them.

GWT staff and citizen scientists surveying a meadow (c)Nick Turner 2021
Independent survey
If you are looking to do an independent survey at one of the beautiful Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust reserves, please click here to download and complete a survey permit form.
If you have any questions about independent surveying, please contact learning@gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk

Josie investigating scat
Research projects
We currently have several research projects, suitable for MSc level students available, click the link below to see our prospectus which includes single page summaries of each project including a brief description of work that will be undertaken and skills required, as well as gained. Each research project has a designated GWT staff member for support, as well as an internal University supervisor.
If you have any questions or would like to enquire about one of the projects, please contact info@gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk, marking you email as 'FAO Evidence team'.
HabiMappers (c) Nick Turner
Volunteer survey group
If you are interested in joining one of the many Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust voluntary survey groups, please click here or contact volunteering@gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk

Taking_action_Penny Dixie
Youth Advisory Group
If you're aged 16-25 why not join our Youth Advisory Group? YAG has a core membership of up to 12 people, they help us to build a wider network of young people across the county. Together they will amplify the voices of young people, advise GWT on barriers and opportunities for youth participation, and connect young people across the county with a passion for nature.